Download Busy Accounting Software
BUSY is a sound and reliable software which provided a valuable solution to our business needs at Altin Group of Companies. The support provided by the team at BUSY PAK INFOTECH during Implementation & on-ward is the main reason behind the success of BUSY. We highly recommend BUSY to small and medium size entities.' Miracle Accounting Software. RKIT Software Pvt. Today we are amongst top 10 Accounting software providers in India.
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Busy Software is application software that records and processes business accounting transactions within functional modules such as Financial Accounting (Multi-Currency), Inventory Management (Multi-location), Production / Bill of Material, Sales / Purchase Quotations, Sales / Purchase Order Processing, Fully User-configurable Invoicing, User-configurable Documents / Letters, User-configurable Columns in Reports, CST / VAT Reports (State-specific), Mfg / Trading Excise Registers, Service Tax & TDS, Payroll, MIS Reports & Analysis.