Purple Windows 10 Background
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Windows 10 desktop backgrounds on this post is one of the most favorite wallpaper. A cool desktop background for Windows 10 with purple flower in macro photo style. I love the focus area on the flower and it’s blurred looks background. Picture of objects in nature is a favorite design for desktop background. People usually.
I love Windows 10, but it still has a few glitches on my laptop that came with Window 8. Any video driver update fails and gets rolled back and the setting to disable my track pad so I can use my external mouse gets reset after every reboot.My wife’s laptop is even older and came with Windows 7. I don’t trust it to have working drivers for everything, so she’ll stay on 7 until that system dies.
I upgraded her desktop (our Plex server) from 7 to 10 and she doesn’t like it. When I asked why, she said she doesn’t like what it changed. When I asked her what specifically, I was told to drop it.You know how it is.
You’d think two chicks would be on the same page; we are both geeks, but of a decidedly different sort. I am addicted to installing updates and upgrades while she deplores change.
Recently I discovered a bug in Windows10. It is not a critical bug, but a bit annoying. After doing a specific sequence of actions, the Desktop turns black and does not show the wallpaper. This bug is related to the 'Show Desktop icons' feature. Here is how to fix this bug if it affects you.RECOMMENDED:.
Make sure that the Desktop is showing, and then right click in an empty area of the Desktop, and untick View - Show Desktop icons in the context menu. The desktop icons will disappear.
Now right click again on the Desktop, and choose the 'Personalize' item from the context menu. If you already have a theme with a single wallpaper applied, select some theme with more than one wallpaper. For example, select the 'Flowers' theme and then switch back to the default theme (called the 'Windows' theme). Close the Personalization window, and the Desktop will turn black without showing any wallpaper!For some reason, the bug occurs suddenly. Most of the time, the Personalization behavior is as expected.The issue affected my PC a number of times when I switched from the Desktop slideshow to a single background image.Here is what you can do to avoid this issue.First, make sure you don't have the option Show windows Background disabled in the Settings app. Go to Ease of access - Other Options.
Make sure the switch Show Windows Background is set to on. If not, turn on this option.Now do the following. Set the desired wallpaper and theme, even if the desktop has turned black. Save all your work. The next time you sign in, the Desktop will show the proper background image.That's it.RECOMMENDED:You are here: » » Fix Desktop turns black in Windows 10.
↓. Sunil Kumar2down voteI had the same problem – it came out of nowhere.
I didn’t do anything with my computer.This is what I did:Right mouse on background personalize - background - changed background picture to slideshow – the background came back, but I couldn’t do anything.So I looked in windows themes and found transcoded wallpaper without.jpg extension, I added jpg and rebooted the PC – problem solved.It’s usually found in:C - Users - Your name - AppData - Roaming- Microsoft- Windows Themes.
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