Torchlight 2 Preacher Build
This is my first full play through on Torchlight 2 believe it or not, I was always a Diablo/POE/Grim Dawn guy. I must say though, this build is simply fantastic, blasted my way through the campaign with absolutely no problem. Currently working on Map Works right now, but only lvl. 55 so I still have a ways to go. Well done sir.
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Mod DescriptionThis is a compilation of high quality modded classes made by various modders.I was disappointed with the current class mod pack as they were either didn't include my favorite classes or their classes were outdated or buggy. Eventually I decided to learn about merging mods by my own.Special thanks to, and for sharing their modding knowledge that helped me to create this mod.All credit goes to the respective author of the mods, but only some permission were granted.I merely compile these mods together and fixed some bugs that were still exist.Kindly drop by these authors' mod pages and rate their mod as a sign of appreciation for their work.If any of the mod author wishes for their respective class to be removed, pm me and we could discuss about it.Changelogs. Some of these classes are intended to be really powerful by their original authors and can clear the base game easily even at Elite/Hardcore difficulty. The use of difficulty mods like Synergies or LAO III are highly recommended.- Dark Hunter (originally from Noxmer/Darklite class mod) is removed due to being incomplete.- Warchief's old starting skill, Shockwave, is restored. Massive Swing is removed as a result.- Elemental Blade Dancer and Red Mage class are fully playable for Linux user, thanks to 's fix.- If you found any skills that either: crashes the game upon usage, has blank skill icon or missing their skill animation, please notify us. There could be a conflict between the skill and another mod that you use.Known issues. Certain skills tend to summon a permanent unit that remains active until it gets killed/recasted, regardless of the summon duration.- Plaguelord's Body Boost works erratically at times.- Incompatible with Darkthan's Classes and Darkthan's Classes 2.- May conflict with Far East Pack 1 and 2 mods.
Use my FEP compilation, for better compatibility.- Minor conflict with TL2 Essentials. Place Variant on top of Essentials for better compatibility.- Certain classes are prone to crash during multiplayer/co-op games. Usually occurs when warping from one area to another.- Theolentist class are prone to crash for Mac userFAQ. Q - Would you merge other class mod into this pack?A - Yes. However if the class mod rehash skills from vanilla classes and the author doesn't even bother to modify the skill affixes, skill names nor the descriptions. It would be suited for my other class compilation,.Q - How about Synergies classes? Would you add them into this pack?A - I wished so, but Salan has made it very clear that he did not want any of his Synergies classes to be made playable outside of his mod.Reminder:It is not advised to unpack this mod as it will break the tags/codes of some skills.
GUTS will throw a bunch of errors e.g ' found property name with a hashcode XX that has no match in tags. Dat' during the unpacking process; usually called broken tags.Broken tags can cause a certain aspect in a mod to be.
Well, broken. If a broken tags occurs in a skill code, it can possibly renders the skill to be malfunction, or even crashes the game.Download link. Depends on what class.
If its a class that reuses every existing vanilla skills (usually the mod is less than 1mb) then probably no.I'm interested in adding the Plaguelord but I can't seem to pinpoint what's the forget spell issue is about.I never tested the mod in multiplayer. Or even using Synergies with it.Darkthan's classes?
The conflict with Wildling and Plaguelord is likely because he uses some of those classes skill into his own classes. Fixing those is gonna be complicated, just like fixing Far East Expansion. ByMay 01, 2020, 03:09:25 AMbyApril 11, 2020, 02:41:22 AMbyApril 10, 2020, 04:22:51 PMbyApril 10, 2020, 06:54:09 AMbyMarch 17, 2020, 08:43:25 PMbyFebruary 25, 2020, 03:52:45 PMbyFebruary 15, 2020, 02:23:45 AMbyJanuary 24, 2020, 06:25:40 AMbyJanuary 20, 2020, 03:57:51 PMbyJanuary 10, 2020, 01:33:48 AMbyJanuary 08, 2020, 05:59:25 AMbyDecember 01, 2019, 03:05:25 AMbyNovember 23, 2019, 12:16:19 PMbyNovember 18, 2019, 04:11:40 PMbyNovember 11, 2019, 05:40:43 PM.
Are you working yourself into a bestial rage trying to decide on a build for your Torchlight 2 berserker? We have just the thing for that!
Well, actually, it will probably just make you angrier. But when you're a berserker, that's generally a good thing. Best if used in conjunction with our, which will be updated with new builds as we release them. A note on respecsBy default, Torchlight 2 only allows you to respec your last three skill points (at a steep cost.) Thus, you may already be so far in that these builds are impossible to use. Luckily, if you want the freedom to redistribute all of your skill points at any time, the game supports it.
You'll just have to follow a few steps. NOTE: This will give your character a visible cheater flag beside your name in multiplayer, just like editing the stats file does. Some people have a problem with that. Others don't. Just a fair warning. Find your Torchlight 2 save folder, usually under Documents/My Games/Runic Games/Torchlight 2/save.
Open settings.txt, and find the line that says 'CONSOLE:0', which should be third from the top. Change it to 'CONSOLE:1'. Save the text file, load up a character, and hit INSERT to bring up the console.
Type 'ITEM RespecPotion'. It will appear at your feet. Quaff away to refund all spent skill points. This also has the benefit of letting you choose your starting attack skill on a new character, instead of having to use the default one.
It's also worth noting that, as far as we can tell, only characters that actually use the spawn item command will be cheater flagged. Just enabling the console shouldn't mess up your whole account.Got it? Good.All of the following builds have been tested on Veteran difficulty. Berserker Build: The Dire WolfWho needs a right mouse button? This build will start you off buffing your passives for crit, charge, and lifesteal while relying mostly on auto-attacks for damage. Fights with lots of enemies will be tough until your mid- to late 20s, when you'll start picking up better area attacks and multi-hit effects.Gear ChoiceDual fist weapons are where it's at. Keep the focus on grievous single-target damage, and build charge so you can hit Frenzy and turn into a human lawnmower as fast as possible.
Attack speed, bonus Dual Wield damage, and lightning damage are all excellent with this build, in addition to pure armor and resistance due its fragility.Stat PointsStrength and Dexterity should always be primary. Put at least two of your five points at each level up into each of them, for damage and crits. Your remaining point can rotate between your 'dump' stats.
Vitality will need to get some love if you don't want to be dropping a fortune on revives. I would try not to let it fall too far below two thirds of your total level. Focus is also useful in that it increases your execute chance while dual wielding.
If you're dying a lot, put your fifth point into Vitality. If it's not an issue at the moment, invest in Focus.Once you get to the point that Strength and Dexterity are close to or over 50 (ignoring gear), you can start dropping some points from them into other things. I would still recommend putting at least one point per level into each for your entire career, though.Levels 1-25Initially, you want to focus almost entirely on your passives. Keep Blood Hunger and Executioner (Hunter tree) as well as Frenzy Mastery (Shadow tree) maxed. These create a great synergy of letting you Frenzy more often and longer, while granting you great lifesteal while frenzying. Even as 'glass cannon' as this build is, with those passives maxed, you can usually go toe-to-toe with any boss while in Frenzy and have enough lifesteal to completely or mostly offset their damage.If you can't put points into any of the above, put them in Stormclaw (Tundra tree) and later Wolf Strike (Hunter Tree), prioritizing the latter once Stormclaw has reached Tier 1. This will give you some multi-target damage as well as excellent mobility, which you will find yourself in desperate need of on certain bosses.Levels 26-50Battle Rage (Hunter tree) should become your top priority (after passives) as soon as you unlock it.
If you find yourself with all three passives, Wolf Strike, Stormclaw, and Battle Rage maxed, consider going into Rampage (Hunter) and Shred Armor (Shadow). When Ravage (Hunter) unlocks at level 42, getting it to Tier 1 should become your top priority after your core three passives for its boss-shredding ability. Then, go back to having Battle Rage be your priority active skill.Levels 51-100Keep maxing out everything above, including the Rampage and Shred Armor passives. When you have free points, grab some Cold Steel Mastery (Tundra) for a pure DPS boost.
Rage Retaliation (Tundra) can also be useful. If you want more active buttons to press, you can go the Raze (Hunter) route, doing huge damage while you're in Frenzy (but it doesn't build charge, so should only be used in Frenzy), or Rupture (Hunter) for more AoE damage. Beyond all that, it's mostly up to you. Enjoy the bloodbath.