Victoria 2 Papal States
London Coins: A166: Lot 2799: Italian States - Papal States 2 Carlini undated. Gibraltar Crown 1967 UNC in a slide case, along with Victoria to Elizabeth II a.
DriillSGT:Maybe someone reading this thread can tell me what triggers the end of a great war. My original war goal was to take control of Ontario. The war goal was listed as 25%. I surpassed that number, but still Great Britain and most of its allies did not want to surrender.I conquered ALL of Canada, then built a navy and sailed over to Britain and started capping Ireland before they decided to call it quits.They did surrender after 6 years of war, but I still don’t know why.Is 5 years the minimum time for a great war to last?I don’t know about the Great War, but for a territorial claim War Goal you need to occupy 75% of the state in question.
If you do so, your war score will continually tick up until eventually it hits 100 and you can force the other nation to surrender. It was implemented specifically for the situation you are in, where you shouldn’t have to occupy all of GB in order to bite off a chunk. This gets more complicated when other/additional war goals are involved, but the HoD manual goes into pretty good detail about it. I had a pretty good game going the last few days as the US myself, but after about 20 years the government changed hands and my economy switched to laissez faire at just the wrong time totally tanking it and I have no idea how to recover short of disbanding most of my military.And one thing I’ve been trying to figure out is why the AI is buying what it is. For instance, one thing that’s tanking my economy right now are large purchases of artillery, and I’m trying to figure out what’s causing that. I have about 40 brigades under arms along with about 50 various ships, but they are all at 25% resources at the moment.
The only construction going on right now is lots and lots of railroads, but that shouldn’t be causing artillery purchases, and regardless the construction slider on the budget screen is indicating there’s no buying going on for construction.I tend to do okay in Vic2 up until the world economy tightens up a bit, and after that I never seem to be able to figure out what screens to look at to figure out what’s wrong and try to fix it. As much as I like it in general, and as much as I’ve played it, the economic stuff still feel like a black box to me.So is there somewhere I can find out what’s causing the rampant purchasing?
Any general economic advice? Tom Chick:Farfrael, as much as I value some of the helpful information you can get on Paradox’s forums, I wouldn’t rely too much on them in terms of sussing out the state of any game. Those guys can be supercritical of things that many of us would never even notice, much less care about.
It’s totally cool if you want to wait, but I’ve sunk many hours into the latest build of Victoria II and its expansions without any noticeable issues.If you find that someone with whom you have maxxed out relations won’t ally with you, it’s sometimes because they’ve already got too many friends. The tooltip should let you know what’s going on.TomThanks tom for your reply, I think the latest patch illustrates well the difference in approach I tried to explain in an earlier post.You were satisfied with the experience so far but, for me, some of the bugs listed in these patch notes are absolute show-stoppers which would have tainted my experience. Eve is (again) taking too much of my time anyway, I’ll pass on Victoria 2. Farfrael:Thanks tom for your reply, I think the latest patch illustrates well the difference in approach I tried to explain in an earlier post.You were satisfied with the experience so far but, for me, some of the bugs listed in these patch notes are absolute show-stoppers which would have tainted my experience. Eve is (again) taking too much of my time anyway, I’ll pass on Victoria 2.Like what, out of curiosity? I admit to being baffled at what these show-stoppers are, since everyone I know is playing the game without issue. I’m curious what the items were in the patch that leaves you hung up.
KevinC:Like what, out of curiosity? I admit to being baffled at what these show-stoppers are, since everyone I know is playing the game without issue. Farfrael:I don’t doubt you and other people are enjoying playing the game but at the same time, these problems exist (this is an official patch note) and they seem pretty fundamental to me.It’s important to note the problems don’t exist for everyone. They’re potential issues that can occur in some circumstances.
I haven’t seen a one of them myself.I get that you’re frustrated that Paradox’s games have long patch notes. They’re hugely complex and Paradox has traditionally struggled to get everything running smoothly. But that old “you should wait six months to play a Paradox game” canard hasn’t been the case since Crusader Kings II, if not before.
If you don’t want to play Victoria II, I have no stake in trying to change your mind. But you’re flat-out wrong to dismiss it for the reasons you’re dismissing it (i.e. That the fundamentals are somehow not working properly). And there are some amazing mods out there that make the game even deeper and more complex. I can’t recommend the Pop Demand Mod enough.
Tom Chick:It’s important to note the problems don’t exist for everyone. They’re potential issues that can occur in some circumstances.
I haven’t seen a one of them myself.I get that you’re frustrated that Paradox’s games have long patch notes. They’re hugely complex and Paradox has traditionally struggled to get everything running smoothly. But that old “you should wait six months to play a Paradox game” canard hasn’t been the case since Crusader Kings II, if not before. If you don’t want to play Victoria II, I have no stake in trying to change your mind.
But you’re flat-out wrong to dismiss it for the reasons you’re dismissing it (i.e. That the fundamentals are somehow not working properly).TomWell, I don’t know what to say.
Also note, I am not talking other paradox games but this particular expansion for this particular game (so let’s set aside that particular canard).You have not encountered these problems (assuming you did check your factories did pay their workers and the GPs did not release cores stupidly and whatever other bugs have now been fixed did not take place) but at the same time they are important enough to warrant discussion threads on the official forums and an official patch. So they must have existed? And, if they did exist, then I believe they would have impacted my enjoyment of the game to the point where I would not want to buy it. All subjective etc but that’s my position, based on the information available to me at this point in time. As a reference point, I still strongly dislike vanilla Vic2 for it’s broken POP promotion system and other assorted issues which never got patched properly.re: mods, I get they exist, I also don’t really have the interest or energy to investigate them.
Plus they always change too many things for my liking at once. I just want a vanilla experience that works. This might now be the case after this patch?In any case, this is somewhat moot, I am not going to force myself to buy the game, play 20+ hours of it pre-patch just so I can encounter all the issues that exist and mechanics not working as intended.
That would be insane. Farfrael:You have not encountered these problems (assuming you did check your factories did pay their workers and the GPs did not release cores stupidly and whatever other bugs have now been fixed did not take place) but at the same time they are important enough to warrant discussion threads on the official forums and an official patch.A cosmetic representation of a river within a province and the shape of a ruler’s beard warrant their own discussion threads on Paradox forums, man!
I’m sure Vic2 has bugs, but they may be rare or don’t impact the flow of the game. Every game has bugs, EVE Online has bugs - infested with them, when last I played. Just because a module might become unresponsive to me in very specific situations doesn’t mean that modules never work and therefore I don’t shouldn’t waste my time buying a ship since it’s just going to become bugged and get blown up, you know what I mean?Like Tom, I’m not intent on getting you to pick up the game or change your mind or anything, I’m just telling you that your perception of the game is wrong.:). If you’re going to base your opinion of Paradox games you haven’t played on Paradox’s forum, you’re going to have an awfully dim view of Paradox games! The Paradox forums can be very helpful if you want to figure out some of the game’s more esoteric points, or even if you want to get down into the weeds with some historical minutiae. Beyond that, they offer a poor overview of any given Paradox games.
You might as well trawl through Blizzard’s forums looking for some insight into why World of Warcraft is so popular. So I gave this one another spin. I didn’t really remember how to play, I just started up as France and figured I’d click around for a while. Acer aspire e380 driver for mac windows 7.
I was having a pretty good time, annexed the rest of Algeria, was cruising along as the second great power and then Prussia declared a containment war on me. All their little cronies came along too, of course.
I made a couple mistakes moving armies around, and the mobilization was slow and piecemeal, but I might have been able to turn it around until the UK declared war on me a month or so later, and blew my navy out of the water. Two weeks later, Austria, then Russia. My armies were swept aside, so I had no choice but to surrender. This, of course, meant I could no longer build more armies. So, naturally, Spain and Portugal wanted to get in on the action, as well as the Papal States. I guess they were bitter from having been in my sphere?
I had long since fallen from Great Power status.) I had enough mobilized to hold the Pyrenees for a while, but eventually they broke through, and Savoy and Wurttemburg (yeah, them too), were busy occupying the other side of France. I surrendered again, and thought it would be fun to see if I could pay my debts (50,000 at this point) and maybe make it back to great power status, when the US declared war. Le sigh That was enough for tonight. What the heck is a containment war? (Other than a fuck-you dogpile, apparently.). Is this a bug?.
How many times can you contain one sorry nation?. Should I try again?
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